Kids Buzzar
Calling all little shoppers! Come dressed in your prettiest and trendiest with Mum and Dad in tow for a weekend of fun. Little they may be, but how they play such a large part in our lives as parents. It gives us, mothers ourselves, great pleasure then to welcome you to our inaugural Kids Buzzar ‐a marketplace created especially for the little shoppers among us. A marketplace that caters to their enthusiasm and thirst for all things bright, colourful and fun. Clothes, accessories, snacks, sweets, fun and games await their happy little smileys.

Razzle Dazzle Party Box will be one of the 30 vendors participating in Kids Buzzar. It's happening this weekend! It's going to be fun with activities, exciting games & chalengging contests for everyone. Visit Razzle Dazzle Party Box! There'll be fun food, free gifts, lucky draw & many more great surprises! So, bring every member of the family and let us all have fun this weekend. See you there!